A Leafy Urban Garden

This 10m south facing garden in North London was in almost constant shade from an enormous Silver Birch tree. The decision was reached that the tree needed to go, also because it had reached a ripe old age and would need to be felled before long.

The brief was to create sunny open areas but also shady, secluded seating areas with different views through and around the space. Budget was a big consideration so the existing patio was retained and gravel was used for the remaining pathways. We squeezed in as many small trees as possible to make up for the natural habitat lost from the felling of the Silver Birch and we have focused on flowers favoured by pollinators such as Poppies, Grasses, Verbenas and Foxgloves. All in all its an extreme transformation at a relatively low cost as hard landscaping was kept to a minimum. Happy people, happy birds, happy bees!


Tichborne Arms Garden